The quality of the services offered at CODEM is based on the professionalism of our various teams of specialists. All our employees have solid training and experience in the different fields related to our area of expertise, which includes career guidance, career development and psychotherapy, among other things. Our organizational philosophy is to focus on job retention when it comes to staff members. This way, we can adapt, contribute and collaborate closely with our clients when fulfilling their mandates. Our specialists have many years of experience working at CODEM; therefore, you will benefit from the services of a strong and dynamic team.
Guidance Counsellors
Nathalie Ross
Conseillère d’orientation et Superviseure clinique
514 522-9151 poste 331
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With her bachelor’s degree in psychology and her master’s degree in guidance counselling, Nathalie has always been interested in human beings and in understanding what made them tick. Right after obtaining her degree, she started working in schools and then chose to work in the field of employability. She has several years of experience as a guidance counsellor working with young people and adults. What sets her apart is her great interest in guidance counselling, which inspired her to get involved in various committees throughout the years. She always gives her best and is constantly looking for ways to improve her work.
Isabelle Lupien
Conseillère d’orientation et Superviseure clinique
514 522-9151 poste 323
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Isabelle holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in guidance counselling. She has been working in a variety of contexts related to guidance counselling for several years now. She is particularly concerned about the well-being of individuals and is known for her welcoming approach and for being there for her clients. She knows how to quickly earn her clients’ trust and is actively committed to helping them find answers to their questions. With her strong analysis skills, she helps clients better understand their reality and encourages them to achieve their goals.
Nathalie Gauthier
Conseillère d’orientation
514 522-9151 poste 333
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With her university education (bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in guidance counselling) and complementary training in psychotherapy, Nathalie has been working as a guidance counsellor and psychotherapist for several years now, providing her services to a variety of clients. She is also a clinical supervisor and occasionally gives training workshops. Nathalie is passionate about her work and is always willing to improve and share her knowledge. She is known for her professionalism and for her accuracy in understanding the issues at stake. Her goal is to build a trusting relationship with her clients, to be there for them and help them realize their full potential.
Sandra Tarczali
Conseillère d’orientation
514 522-9151 poste 336
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Maude is a curious and devoted guidance counsellor. She meets her client’s needs and demands with an open mind and always seeks to deepen her understanding. She also greatly appreciates furthering her knowledge. Maude holds a bachelor’s degree as well as a master’s degree in career development and can work with different types of clients (young people, adults, immigrants, ex-convicts, etc.). She is very passionate about her work, as evidenced by her involvement and availability when it comes to guidance counselling activities.
Johanne Dugas
Conseillère d’orientation
514 522-9151 poste 330
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Simin Tang
( Congé maternité)
Conseillère d’orientation
514 522-9151 poste 243
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Cornelia Steinmeyer
Conseillère d’orientation
514 522-9151
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Catherine Rochefort
Conseillère d’orientation
514 522-9151 poste 243
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Career Development Counsellors
Audrée Désormeaux
Coordonnatrice des Services d’Aide à l’Emploi (SAE)
514 522-9151 poste 325
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Pursuant to her studies in career development, Audrée first gained expertise in employability by working with a young clientele. Over the last few years, she has been working with a wide variety of clients (adults, immigrants, young people) who are confronted to different realities when entering the labour market. Audrée is genuinely committed to her work and plays her role of accompanying coach with ease. She is known for her ability to assess the needs and situation of her clients and for her empathy. She is also great at finding all the information needed to assist them.
Marc Fortier
Conseiller en développement professionnel, spécialisé en entrepreneuriat, arts et culture
514 522-9151 poste 230
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Laurianne Bolduc
Conseillère en développement de carrière
514 522-9151 poste 250
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Chantal Simpson
Conseillère en développement de carrière
514 522-9151 poste 335
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Louise Gravel
Conseillère en développement de carrière
514 522-9151 poste 222
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Carolann Fortin
Conseillère en développement de carrière
514 522-9151 poste 241
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Advisory services
Mariam Elkhalili
Responsable du Service-Conseil
Médiatrice accréditée & Consultante RH
514 522-9151 poste 223
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Counsellors ( youth )
Chloé Douguet
Intervenante jeunesse et conseillère en emploi jeunesse
514 522-9151 poste 248
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Géraldine Bipat
Intervenante projets jeunesse
Cell : 438.792.0336
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Clément Blondeau
Intervenant jeunesse
Cell : 438 809-5001
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Élodie Carpini
Volontaire en service civique
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Management / Administration
Sébastien Riopel
Directeur adjoint
514 522-9151 poste 322
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Sébastien has several years of experience in the employability field. After completing a university training program in guidance counselling, he offered his expertise to those trying to integrate the labour market. In the last few years, he has been working in the management field and is now the service coordinator for CODEM and CJE. He makes sure that work processes are efficient and meet organizational needs. Sébastien also handles human resources management by providing support and a proper work setting to his colleagues. He is a natural-born observer and loves to analyze, understand and put his knowledge to great use.
Rachel Guidet
Directrice générale
514 522-9151 poste 245
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Rachel is the director of Codem and has more than twelve years of experience in human resources, project management, staffing, strategic planning and problem solving. With her people-focused and professional approach, she is known for her excellent interpersonal communication skills. Rachel is originally from Grenoble, France, where she completed a double degree in human resources management and local development right before moving to Montreal in 2004. She is a playful and dynamic person who is deeply committed to her work. In 2012, she got fully involved in CJE’s mission. She then pursued her commitment with both Codem and CJE in 2015.
Manon Touchette
Technicienne comptable et administrative
514 522-9151 poste 228
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Fatima has been in charge of greeting and welcoming clients for several years now. She has also been responsible for managing social media. Fatima knows how to greet clients with kindness, discretion and courtesy. Thanks to her calm nature, she knows how to cope with the various tasks related to her work, which includes dealing with people, organizing data, working on documents and managing social media, among other things. She is also interested in understanding and learning about others. As a matter of fact, she is currently pursuing university studies in sociology, while continuing to work at Codem.
Alexandra Gratien
Responsable des communications et de la promotion
514 522-9151 poste 338
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With her many years of experience as an administrative assistant and her university education in the field, Manon is an expert at seeing the full picture when it comes to the field of administration. Her organizational skills and attention to detail make her a reliable resource. Even when she does not have the answer to a certain question, she will always be pleased to seek out the information required and meet everyone’s needs. Manon is both methodical and rigorous in her work and always makes sure her workload is managed efficiently.
Sylvain Gingras
Préposé à la réception
514 522-9151
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With her many years of experience as an administrative assistant and her university education in the field, Manon is an expert at seeing the full picture when it comes to the field of administration. Her organizational skills and attention to detail make her a reliable resource. Even when she does not have the answer to a certain question, she will always be pleased to seek out the information required and meet everyone’s needs. Manon is both methodical and rigorous in her work and always makes sure her workload is managed efficiently.